Stuckwisch Family Updates

The Stuckwisch family, who are members of our congregation, are living in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, where Zach is studying to become an LCMS Pastor. Their journey began June 2024. This page is for updates sent to us by Zach, and/or Rebecca. We hope you enjoy following along with them on their journey.

August 19, 2024

I'm happy to report that I've wrapped up Summer Greek and passed with good marks. Thanks to being able to stay with my folks for most of that time, which kept expenses low, and financial support, particularly from the church, we were able to get by through the Summer without needing to get a job, which was tremendously helpful for staying focused on studying and getting through that first challenge. I'm very excited to start exegetical work and Greek reading, both of which will be consistent, central components of the curriculum in the months and years ahead! 

In other big news, we've finally moved into our own rental home, just a couple weeks ago! It's a little bigger than our house was in League City, and a short drive to the seminary, but we're blessed to be renting from the Breges (former IN district president and his wife) so we've got great landlords and a good deal on rent. We're using our time during this three week break between terms to get settled in and to do some more exploring of the many great Fort Wayne parks. Bekah has even started a hiking club to connect with other local students and LCMS families! 

We've certainly missed our St. John church home, but have been blessed with both the seminary chapel and local congregations to attend. We have primarily been attending Bethlehem, where my brother-in-law, Sam Wirgau, is pastor, and where we get to see the other formerly-Texan branch of the family. We have also visited a few other local congregations where I may be placed for field work, and I'm happy to say that so far every pastor we've visited has been more than willing to commune Cheri and Donovan, which we had been a bit worried about previously. Having spoken with the field work supervisor, I'm confident that we'll be placed in a congregation where they'll be able to continue receiving the Lord's Supper, Cheri will be able to continue confirmation instruction, and JJ will most likely be able to have his first communion in a year or two as well.  We should find out more about that in just a few weeks!

In Christ,

Zach Stuckwisch and family


June 10, 2024

Dear Pastor Taylor

Please share this message with the congregation, as you see fit.

Greetings from Fort Wayne, Indiana!

I have just finished my first class and chapel service here at the seminary this morning, and will be attending student orientation this afternoon. After nearly a year of preparation, my study and formation here have begun!

As I give thanks to God for bringing me to this day, I also want to take the opportunity to thank my church family in Christ at St. John. For all of the love poured out on my family and me during our years there, and for the continued support both financially and in prayer, I am eternally grateful. The work of the Holy Spirit is clearly evident in His church, and my words cannot adequately express what a great blessing and encouragement that is to me in particular as I prepare for pastoral ministry.

By the Grace of God I aim to be a faithful steward of the gifts of money and time I receive while here at the seminary. I consider your support to be no less than God's own provision to help me diligently focus on being instructed and strengthened in His Word at this time.  In appreciation, I will do my best to send notes and updates throughout the months and years ahead. I also look forward to opportunities to return and visit with you all in person as God grants them!

Rebekah also sends her love and thanks. In particular she would like to share that we were able to purchase a van which will give her freedom to explore and enjoy the area while I am in classes, along with room to comfortably fit our little Madeleine once she is born. This was thanks in no small part to the gifts we received from the congregation before we moved, yet another blessing from the Lord's hand!

May the grace and peace of God be with you all!

In Christ,
Zach Stuckwisch 
